Senin, 28 Mei 2012

First time : Saraga & ITB Jatinenjer Campusses

25 05 12
Masih di  kostan orang ( sebut saja Mr. WH dan Mr.B).. Sebelumnya sih kita uda janjian mau jogging terus berenang jam 7 pagi. tapi apadaya takdir berkata lain.. Gara gara baru mau tidur jam 3 terus pas mau nyoba tidur malah gabisa ampe sempet buat solat subuh dulu.. baru aja tidur dan bangun bangun jam stengah 9 (troll)
mampir ngeliat si Mr. WH, terus dia kayak udah males katanya kesiangan kalo jogging jam segini.. yauda berarti si Mr.WH tereliminasi ! BYE!

tinggal si Mr. B , dia masih excited buat berenang, tapi ya emang takdir gue buat forever alone *amit2* menjalani pagi sendiri. ternyata si Mr.B underwearnya semuanya dicuci terus ga punya serep (terus kenapa ga pake side B aja, #eh). Alhasil si Mr.B juga tereliminasi! BYE !

oke ya well finally, after all of my intention gathered..i start to step forward through plesiran roads.. until i came into SARAGA , yeay! Like what the tittle says.. this is my first time ever to come here (SARAGA)!.

Latelly i joined some gymnastic club, that has swimming pool on it. The places was revered by Mr.MI, but, the problem is... my membership is already runned out in May 05 (troll).

I'm a little bit confused about the direction .. I am searching the pool for 5 minutes and still searching on 5 minutes later LOL.. Okey, i give up. So i asking the direction to ... i didnt know who they are.. oke lets call them bunch of stranger.
Finally i can see the pool . ITS HUGE ! and blue! (yes it is not Cikapundung. Cikapundung is black) . i changes my clothes (stripped my clothes for sure.. in a locker room of course).. and well seeing the pool. there was a 80 cm pool and 2m pool.. Actually i can't swim well, but i tried the 2m one.. Actually the 2m pool has a grade on every pool side. It makes the deep of the pool become 1,5 m on every side.
Im using a lot ot style , you know.. this is called WHATEVER style.. i just pushing my legs, and pedalling my hands, until my legs was hurt and i stopped. yea. 1 hours is enough. i showered up and back to the campusses.

the day after...
So, i joined some angklung performance . This time we will be performed at Jatinangor, in some event called Kontes Robot Cerdas Indonesia . We will playing 3 songs during "deville". We will be playing manuk dadali, mission imposible, and dont stop believeng (glee cover)..
We go there for some rehearsal , umm.. maybe just for sound check.. i spent my time by sleeping while the bus is on the road. and when i wake up. i see some .. hmm.. huge scenery.. it was an open space, full with some green.. and on the centre i saw many empty tent.. okay this is ITB JATINANGOR..

the building is really2 old school (bener bener kayak sekolah yang dulu banget). the building is painted by monochrom colour, with at list 2 combination on it..
the design too. i think the design is really formal, but not really ellegant ... u know formal but no ellegant = too serious= borring!

Before become ITB Jatinangor, this building is named Winaya Mukti University

i took some pictures of it..... with myself :)

Oke , this pic was taken before we gowin inda buz!

I should cropped it! Fufufu, so Mrs Cici and Mr. Janda Wasisto will be envy.. Me and Vit C

Mr. WH is the one with the contra bass. He is chairman of KPA ITB in this periode

And of course must be posed on KRCI drops!

This is one of the tree building !

Yea, we makin some band! Bzz

It looks like there will be more sophisticated signage..

Me and PWK ITB on Jatinangor :)

And this is the under reconstruction labolatory!

The funny thins is when we want to pray Maghrib.. theres a sign "DILARANG MEMBUANG SOFTEX KEDALAM WC"
 In the Boyz Toilet .. LMAO

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